Saturday, March 31, 2007

The two co-founders of Eon Reality

The two co-founders of Eon Reality
Profiles of Dan Lejerskar and Mats W. Johansson
The Orange County Register


Chairman and executive vice president for sales, Eon Reality

Age: 44 years

Born: Romania

Lives: Cowan Heights

Education: Master's degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden.


Chairman of Eon Reality since 2000.
Founder and president, interactive 3-D e-commerce company RealityBUY in Irvine, 1999-2003.
Founder and president, 550-employee publicly traded computer-simulation company Prosolvia in Sweden, 1987-98.
Founder and president, PFAB real estate development company in Sweden, 1985-92.
Design manager at Volvo Aero, 1985-87 – led design of main exhaust nozzle for Ariane 5 rocket.
Family: Married, two sons.

Favorite work-related book: "The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology" by Ray Kurzweil ("a very positive view of technology's role for the future of human beings.")

Favorite book for pleasure: "Eon" by Greg Bear ("an interesting view of humanity's future and obviously a very good title")

Favorite movie: "Gladiator" (2000) ("combines history and a very interesting interpretation of the era.")

Hobbies: Painting ("the capability of capturing a moment.")

Hero:Leonardo da Vinci ("for his unique capability of inventing illustrated drawings, his boundless curiosity.")

Quote: "Let's do it!"

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